Premium crops: eliminate pests and store with serenity on farm.

The new airtight Nox® Big Bags allow you to store your harvest under CO₂ :

  • easily
  • in complete autonomy
  • with simple, lightweight equipment

Harvest time approaching? So are they!

Nox® Big Bags: a simple, fast, economical solution

  • Noun key 677345
    A turnkey solution
    Everything is included, choose the quantity you need and have it delivered to your site within a few days.
  • Noun clock 3609322
    Condition in 5 min
    In 5 minutes you package 1 ton of product yourself. Your harvest is quickly protected.
  • Noun complete 2111603
    Zero insects, zero losses
    You eliminate insects effectively and quickly and reduce your post-harvest storage losses without heavy investment.

How does it work?

  • 1


    Fully inflate the Nox® Big Bag and position it on your filling hopper. Use the filling calculator to determine the exact amount of grain to insert.

    Nox® Big Bag filling
  • 2


    Bend the Nox® Big Bag filling spout into a goose-neck shape to perform the heat welding. Check that the weld is continuous, to ensure the hermetic seal.

    Nox® Big Bag sealing
  • 3


    Unscrew the suction valve on the Nox® Big Bag and position it against the grain. Using an external suction system, draw in the air until the grain mass is compacted.

    Nox® Big Bag aspiration
  • 4


    After fitting the injection system, connect it to the injection valve on the Nox® Big Bag . Insert the CO₂ until the hermetic envelope is fully inflated.

    Nox® Big Bag injection
  • 5


    Assemble the measuring system and connect it to the injection valve. Read the CO₂ measurement indicated by the device to validate proper conservation.

    Nox® Big Bag CO₂ rate analysis
Noun check 1905028

What action on the product?

Once packaged in a modified atmosphere, the CO₂ preservation and protection mechanism begins.

  • 48 hours
    The CO₂ eliminates adult insects in free forms on the outside of the grains.
  • 20 days
    The CO₂ penetrates the material and eliminates insects in hidden forms (eggs, nymphs & larvae) inside the grains.
  • 2 years
    The Nox® Big Bag enclosure creates a totally hermetic barrier blocking reinfestation and moisture. The CO₂ prevents biological and microbiological degradation (oxidation, bacteria, germination losses).

Get your quote in 24 hours

Contact us to obtain your precise quote based on the type of grain to be packaged and the quantity. 

  • Reusable Big Bags

  • Fast & easy start

 Chat with us live on WhatsApp. 

Sponsorship Program

Are you already a user of the Nox® system? Help us spread the word about the solution!

Sponsor your acquaintances: for each new user, collect 10% of the amount of their first order in Nox vouchers.

Become an approved conditioner

Do you regularly carry out work on farms in your area and would you like to offer Nox® packaging to your network? It's possible !

We are currently looking for partners like you.

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